Q: Are there BIPP classes for men and women?
A: Classes are separated by gender; there are classes for men and classes for women.
Q: How long is BIPP?
A: The program is 24 weeks long with one class per week.
Q: When do BIPP classes meet?
A: Multiple class times are available throughout the week including morning and evening times.
Q: Are there BIPP classes in English and Spanish?
A: Yes. BIPP classes are held in English or Spanish.
Q: Where do BIPP classes meet?
A: Due to COVID, all BIPP services are currently being conducted virtually with limited in-person intake/orientations.
Q: Who teaches BIPP classes?
A: Each class is led by a trained BIPP facilitator. A BIPP class may be led by a male or a female facilitator, or co-facilitated by both.
Q: What are BIPP classes like?
A: The basic structure of each class is as follows:
Q: What is the cost associated with BIPP?
A: There is a one-time orientation fee of $50 and each class attended has a fee of $30. For clients currently on parole, the orientation fee is $40 and each class is $25. Financial assistance is available to any client with a documented need. You may pay your BIPP fees online here.
Q: What happens at the end of the program?
A: Clients who successfully complete the 24-week BIPP program will receive a Certificate of Completion. Participation hours and program completion can be verified to the designated court or a relevant referral source, as needed.
Self-Assessment Questions
Do you...
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may benefit from completing the Battering Intervention and Prevention Program (BIPP) at Hope’s Door New Beginning Center.
Testimonials from Previous BIPP Clients
“This program challenges your selfish thinking patterns and gives you a huge amount of knowledge to prevent any further domestic issues with your current partner. Hands down one of the best programs I have participated in.”
-Male client
“Everyone has a choice and is responsible for his actions. If you never take responsibility and don’t work on the parts of you that are abusive, you will live a hard, lonely life.”
-Male client
“BIPP class helped me a lot, I learned that abuse is not only physical. I learned more about myself and my attitude. I learned that I was the one in my relationships that was causing drama. Advice for other men would be to listen to other situations in class and learn from their mistakes.”
-Male client
“I really enjoyed the BIPP classes. They were much needed although I didn’t think so at first. I enjoyed the fact that I was not alone and to have others talk and share their experiences and changes.”
-Female client