Elder Abuse

Working together to make a better world!

PO BOX 4228, 26504 Morgantown, WV


Abuse doesn’t happen only to women or young people. The growing number of senior citizens also face the threat of violence. RDVIC is committed to helping elderly victims with advocacy, counseling, and support, as well as referrals to agencies that can provide them with further assistance.

Below are some examples of elder abuse:

  • verbal or mental abuse
  • name calling and insults directed at you
  • making fun of your disabilities
  • insulting your values or spirituality, or someone prevents you from attending church or other spiritual events
  • convincing you that you are to blame for family problems.
  • threatening to tell others that you are senile, crazy, or need to be put in a home.

Physical abuse

  • stopping you from seeing your family
  • blaming age and accidents for injuries caused by the abuser hitting, pushing, shoving, kicking you
  • slapping, pushing or choking you, pulling your hair, holding you down, threatening you with weapons or uses a weapon to harm you
  • using words or a look, to convey a threat that physical harm will come to you if you do not obey them

Financial abuse

  • denying access to your money, or are not told how family money funds are managed.
  • taking your social security check, retirement funds, or other financial resources against your will, without your knowledge, or by using threats and/or physical force.

If you or someone you know is experiencing elder abuse and needs assistance or has questions, contact RDVIC at (304) 292-5100.

Agencies for Elder and Caregiver Abuse:

Adult Protection Services through the Department of Health and Human Resources

(304) 285-3175

Local resources for senior citizens:

Click to see more resources for Senior citizens.

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