SART Meetings

Meetings are typically held at 9:00 a.m. on the first Wednesday of each month, but may be rescheduled if necessary. Below are the the SART Coordinator notes from previous meetings, along with handouts that were provided and links to resources discussed in meetings.

Previous SART Meetings

Feb 3, 2021: Intro to Human Trafficking Training with Brenda Joseph

December 2, 2020: SafeZone Training with Dr. Rodriguez from WVU LGBTQ+ Center

November 4, 2020: Self Care Training with Chase Hyson

October 14, 2020: Update on BIPPs, SANE Kit is Still an Option During the Pandemic, and Domestic Violence Awareness Month

November 6, 2020: Various Levels of Confidentiality and Case Discussions (cont. from last meeting)

October 2, 2019: Red Zone and Discussion on Varying Confidentiality for Case Reviews

September 4, 2019: Survivor-Led Safety Planning Training with Adrianne Nichols from FRIS

August 7, 2019: Updates on Peer Advocate Program with Akeya Carter-Bozman and Introduction of National White Collar Crime Center and SHIELD Task Force by John Sedoski and Robert Peters

June 12, 2019: Sexual Assault in Film Activity and Discussion

March 6, 2019: Intro to WVU CARE Team with Allison Hayes

February 6, 2019: Discussion on Direct Submission of SAECKs with Dave Miller

November 7, 2018: Explanation of Carruth Services by Teresa Stire

October 3, 2018: Explanation of Title IX with Mariana Matthews

September 5, 2018: Updates with Ruby Memorial Hospital and Plan to Update Mon Co Protocol

August 1, 2018: New SART Coordinator, Carl Phlegar

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